
Whether you’ve landed here intentionally or by accident, hopefully you’ll find something that interests or amuses you but that also encourages and provokes your own imagination and expression of free thought. This website serves both as a platform for my writing as well as a glimpse into my life and mind however imaginative, mundane, or magical they may be. Enjoy the journey and thanks for stopping by!

                 ABOUT ME


Who am I? I’m a writer, a cook, a freethinker, a former enlisted U.S. Marine, a lover of nature, and a lover of life in general. I grew up in rural Kentucky and played college football for two years before joining the U.S. Marine Corps. I spent five years in the Marine Corps followed by two decades as a government contractor/consultant.

For years, I wanted to go back to school to complete an English degree I had started on the side and go to culinary school. I already had a bachelors degree in Information Systems Management but really wanted to pursue my true passions. I was determined to do both at some point but had no idea how, or if, I would ever actually have an opportunity to do them. As chance would have it, the company I worked for had some funding challenges and had to let several of us go. After considering my options for a couple of days, I decided that instead of looking for a new job, I would go back to school full-time. So, that’s what I did. My last day of work was June 10 and I started culinary school on July 7. I also immediately enrolled in English classes for the upcoming fall semester. While my financial planner thought I’d lost my mind, the majority of my family and friends were very supportive of my decision. Although unexpected, it was the long-awaited opportunity I had hoped for.

The year that followed was one of the more memorable years of my life and was filled with learning both in the classroom and in the kitchen. I was finally doing what I wanted and only what I wanted. I felt very fortunate to have the opportunity to focus solely on culinary school and writing. I graduated from culinary school that following June. Then, in July, I finished my English degree. Between graduating from culinary school and completing my English degree, it was an unforgettable journey filled with countless hours of studying, limited sleep, and hard work (literally blood, sweat, and yes, tears). Along the way, I met many interesting people and made many new and wonderful friends.

Now that I had accomplished the two goals I’d only dreamed about for over a decade, I found myself thinking, So, now what? Well, it’s widely known that it’s nearly impossible to earn a living wage in the culinary industry or the writing industry without years of prior experience. This is especially true for someone in their 40s, who was single, was used to having a relatively significant income, and who didn’t live with a roommate, parents, or a spouse to help pay the bills (like most culinary graduates who stay in the industry full-time after school). I certainly couldn’t survive on the $10/hr I made during my culinary school externship. Whether I liked it or not, that meant a return to my former career in the contracting/consulting industry. So, for the next year and a half, that’s what I did.

Within a couple of weeks after posting an updated resume, a small company contacted me asking if I was interested in filling a Program Manager position for them. Before I knew it, I was right back where I had left off before my self-funded sabbatical. It didn’t take long for me to realize that the reasons I left the world of golden handcuffs in the first place remained. It was a constant struggle to justify to myself why I was once again doing what I was doing. Sure the money was good and I spent more of my free time writing and cooking however, it didn’t take long to feel I was once again losing my true self and my gut told me it wouldn’t last.

About a year into my new job, I unexpectedly entered into a long-distance relationship after reconnecting with an old acquaintance. Over the next six months we did the long-distance thing as best we could with me traveling every weekend to stay with her and her kids. One thing led to another and after much deliberation, we decided in order for our relationship to progress, our best option would be for me to move in with them. So, I quit my job and did.

These experiences have taught me to follow my heart and even to take risks if it means being happy… and that is what has made it all worth it in the end.

Now you know a little something about me 🙂 If you’d like to know even more, please feel free to come back anytime to catch up on my latest posts or check out my other social media sites at the bottom of this page under Follow Me.  If there’s something more specific you’d like to ask about or comment on, please contact me using the Contact Me page.

Thanks again for stopping by!


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